InnoBKP – development and launch new services to the offer of Bydgoszcz Industrial Clusterysłowego nowych usług

The aim of the project is to launch two new services to the offer of Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster: providing laboratory services in the field of plastics processing and conducting seminars/industry trainings and specialist consultancy in the field of Industry 4.0.

As a part of the project, Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster will develop, prepare and lunch two new services:

– BIC AgingTEST – laboratory services in the field of plastics processing,

– BIC DigiTRAINING & SKILL – organization of seminars/industry trainings and specialist consultancy in the field of Industry 4.0.

The project will also take measures to increase the competences and develop the organizational back-up of the Cluster.

Duration of the project: 01.08.2021 – 31.12.2023

Project budget: 1 102 948,50 PLN

EU co-financing: 653 760,00 PLN

The Project is carried out as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020, Measure 2.3. Pro-innovative services for enterprises, Sub-measure 2.3.7. Development of a potential of Key National Clusters coordinators.