GALMED Wytwórnia Sprzętu Medycznego
ul. Łęczycka 65
85-737 Bydgoszcz
+48 52 342 03 99
Our company has been engaged in plastics processing and production of disposable medical products for more than 30 years. We manufacture mainly PVC products, but we also process polyethylene, polypropylene, poly-urethane and elastomers. We have extruders and injection moulding machines, offer as-sembly and packaging in rooms with monito-red environment, sterilize products in ethyle-ne oxide and produce paper-film pouches forEO sterilization.
We develop design and the implementation, and also prepare production equipment. We are certified acc. EN ISO 13485 and EN ISO 11135.
Our products: urological catheters, suction catheters for the upper respiratory tract, rectal catheters and rectal tubes, stomach and duodenal tubes, feeding catheters, nasal oxygen catheters and cannulas and extension tubes, drains in sections and coils, wound drains, abdominal drains, wound drainage sets, suction handles and suction sets for the operational field, sets for quick blood transfusion, endobags, urine bags for infants and small children and others.