Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie
ul. Krzysztofa Gotowskiego 6
85-030 Bydgoszcz
+48 52 322 22 79
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province continues traditions of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bydgoszcz established in 1875. It unites entrepreneurs from the Region and provides them with both protection and representation of their business activities to wards the selfgovernment and state authorities.
It offers its members, among others: protection against unfair competition, interpretation of the law on public tenders, heip in finding business part- ners, support in exporting, companies restructering. solving succession issues in family companies, obtaining financing.
The Chamber conducts trainings on running business and supports development of schools at all levels of education. Another important area of the Chamber’s activities is promoting and awarding regional business leaders as well as companies adhering to high ethical rules in business.
The Chamber actively promotes partnership rela- tions and cooperation between companies and bu- siness organizations it is a member of the Polish Chamber of Industry and WK-P Industrial Council.