Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis “Blachownia”
ul. Energetyków 9
47-225 Kedzierzyn Koźle
tel.: 77 487 34 70
Green chemistry is our specialty – we offer technologies and products that are friendly to people and the environment. Our researchers provide modern solutions for the management of by-products and turn potentially harmful substances into useful resources that are returned to market circulation.
The Institute has been supporting business and industry in access to innovative and ecological technologies since 1952. Our offer includes research, analytical and design services based on specialized equipment and the knowledge and experience of our researchers.
We are constantly improving the quality of our services, and compliance of our analyzes with the Principles of Good Laboratory Practice is a guarantee of the highest standards for our clients.
The scope of our research and development activity is very wide and contains:
• analytical services,
• applied chemistry,
• pressure processes,
• catalytic processes,
• specialized processes and products for various industries,
• bioeconomy – processing of renewable resources,
• new materials development,
• biocomposites and biopolymers development,
• circular economy research,
• technical engineering – preparation of design documentation and also scaling up from laboratory to technical or production.