We would like to invite companies, students and researchers to participate in the Quick Challenge-Driven, Human-Centred Co-Creation Mechanism for INDUStry-Academia Collaborations INDUSAC project to connect academia to industry.

In the project, we will facilitate a simple, user-friendly co-creation process, fostering the development of innovative solutions that address the needs of customers, users, and the company. This co-creation process meets the needs and interests of companies, students, and researchers.

Companies from the EU and associated countries, no matter their size and sector, are invited to provide Challenges to receive solutions from international co-creation teams of students and researchers. Challenges can tackle very technical or very soft topics related to the products and services being developed. By participating in the project, your company receives a solution to its challenge, gets an opportunity to meet young bright minds from across Europe to consider as future collaborators or employees, and increases its own promotion through international collaboration.

Students/researchers can create/join a European team, solve the Challenge and receive up to 1000 EUR gross per student, head over to the INDUSAC-HE platform, find the Challenge and your teammates, and submit a Motivation Letter!

OPEN CALL for companies to participate and submit a challenge!

Deadline for submission of the challenge: this call has continuous recruitment but the last day to submit a challenge is 15th September 2024.

OPEN CALL for students and researchers to participate and submit a motivation letter!

Deadline for submission of the motivation letter: 30th May 2024, and then 30th October 2024.

More information about the INDUSAC can be found on the project website www.indusac.eu