The event was held during the 13th International Trade Fair for Composite Materials KOMPOZYT-EXPO® in Krakow, Poland. We started on the 16th of October, 2024 with the presentation “Overview of AMULET project and results” which was carried out by Annabelle Sion, Head of European and International Programmes at POLYMERIS, the cluster coordinating the AMULET project. Then we organised two very enriching round table discussions:
“SMEs support through EU projects and EU cluster’s actions” moderated by Annabelle Sion, was focused on SME involvement and EU project support.
• Among the participants were:
Virginie Perron, Project Officer of the AMULET project, talked about the activities of the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) under the I3 program. Who also highlighted the key role of clusters as drivers of innovation among SMEs. Clusters not only provide a supportive ecosystem, but also host innovative companies, form strategic alliances, and direct business support services.
• Dr. Katharina Schöps, representative of the ELCA European Lightweight Cluster Alliance, presented the role of clusters and cluster networks in supporting SMEs.
• Andrzej Czulak, Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies and the hasztag#Ambassador of the AMULET project presented a local example of activities in this field.
“Advanced materials for lightweight in the future European industrial landscape” moderated by Ricardo del Valle Zermeño, PhD, Senior Innovation Manager at Bax.
Carsten Lies from Fraunhofer IWU and Martin Zottler from A2LT—Austrian Advanced Lightweight Technology attended the discussion. They discussed European national policies on advanced materials and the future of materials associations in the EU.
The session concluded with a presentation “Unlocking Potential: Advanced Lightweight Materials Challenges and Innovations in Key Industrial Sectors” by Indira Altynbekova, Advanced Materials Innovation Consultant at Bax, who highlighted the challenges of lightweight materials for the building, aerospace & aeronautics, energy, automotive sector.
On the 17th of October, 2024 we continued at the conference zone with the Pitching Session for the winners of the first and second AMULET open calls. Each Beneficiary had 10 minutes for a presentation and Q&A session. Representatives of the 15 winning consortia who came to the fair gave their presentations. They also had an opportunity to showcase their prototype or demonstrator at the AMULET’s booths D44a and D44b.
To celebrate and promote the key role of SMEs, the AMULET-H2020 project organized a contest in which the three best projects of the AMULET Challenge competition were selected among the 15 funded projects. The culminating moment of our final event was the AWARDS CEREMONY for the best projects of the AMULET programme! The winners received the AMULET Awards and associated financial prizes.
Meet the winners:
ChildSeat – Child seat headrest made from recycled thermoplastic straps
- project implemented by a consortium of companies: Silbaerg GmbH (Germany), Karwala (Poland), thermoPre (Germany)
BioGear – Sustainable Composite Landing Gear
- project implemented by a consortium of companies: Fuko SRL (Italy), Turtle Srl (Italy)
ZinAI – Zinc removal from Al-melt
- project implemented by a consortium of companies: InsPyro (Belgium), konzept GmbH – Engineering Services (Germany)
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