We encourage you to participate in the project „Quick Challenge-Driven, Human-Centred Co-Creation Mechanism for INDUStry-Academia Collaborations”, acronym INDUSAC, which:
- focusses on industrial R&I and business challenges, with special attention to SMEs,
- connects industry innovators with students and researchers, with special attention to Widening and Associated Countries,
- will help you to attract talents and innovations,
- will be able to solve real needs and challenges in your enterprise for up to 8 weeks.
INDUSAC, short for “Industry-Academia Collaborations,” is more than just a project, it’s a vision! It’s about driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and advancing industries by connecting academia, industry, and the brightest student minds.
By participating in the project, your company receives a solution to its challenge, gets an opportunity to meet young bright minds from across Europe to consider as future collaborators or employees, and increases its own promotion through international collaboration.
The INDUSAC project is an innovative platform poised to revolutionise the way students, researchers, and companies collaborate. This initiative is primed to unlock a world of opportunities for all stakeholders. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or a company seeking innovation, the INDUSAC project has something extraordinary for you.
We invite companies, regardless of size or industry, to register on the INDUSAC platform and prepare a “challenge” on which teams of students and researchers will work. The deadline for submission of the challenge is the 15th of April 2024.
Challenges issued before April 15, 2024, will receive letters of motivation from co-creation teams until June 2024. The selected co-creation teams will then work on solutions for 4-8 weeks and provide the results in September 2024.
More information can be found on the website https://indusac.eu/!