Polish Entrepreneurs Foundation
ul. Krzysztofa Gotowskiego 6
85-030 Bydgoszcz
+48 538 235 884
Nearly pln 2.1 billion of support for entrepreneurs, over 14 thousand of companies, which received aid, over 4.1 thousand training courses attended by nearly 171 thousand people. The Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation has been operating since 1997 and supports creation and development of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises throughout Poland.
We offer free online training via a modern Training Platform for both future and existing companies, as well as students and jobseekers. The user has access to live training and e-learning.
We offer support for future entrepreneurs in the form of attractive returnable funds to start and support for already operating enterprises in the form of preferential EU loans for investment activities. At the same time, we are constantly expanding our offer, offering.