Wrocław University of Science and Technology
ul. Wybrzeże Stanisława Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław
Wrocław University of Science and Technology was established in 1945, mainly as a result of the involvement of the academic staff of the now-defunct Technical University of Lviv and the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, who adapted the destroyed buildings of the German School of Technology – Technische Hochschule.
Today we continue the tradition of these prominent Polish universities and develop in close cooperation with the leading companies of Lower Silesia. We are one of the largest and best technical universities in the country, one regularly ranked among the best in the national rankings.
The first rector of the then merged University of Technology and University of Wrocław was Professor Stanisław Kulczyński (1945-1951). Since then, the university has already seen as many as fourteen successors of the eminent academic. Currently, the tertiary institution is governed by Professor Arkadiusz Wójs, whose term of office will last until the end of August 2024.
Through research, teaching and interaction we inspire and support the development of individuals who, based on knowledge and ethical standards, being sensitive to social needs and global challenges, shape the future with courage and responsibility.
As a European technical university affirming freedom, truth, curiosity and the joy of learning, we conduct interdisciplinary research and educate to meet the expectations of society and the economy.
The most important thing about every university is the people.
There are currently 22 949 students, 154 doctoral students and 747 people at the Doctoral School pursuing their degree programmes under the supervision of over 2 280 academic teachers at WUST’s 14 faculties and three branches.
We also have 1 491 foreign students from over 60 countries around the world.
Students can choose from 69 different fields of study under the first and second cycle degree programmes, many of which are delivered in English. Our educational offer allows students to learn according to standard curricula as well as under individual educational programmes. We maintain contacts with several teaching and research institutions around the world to ensure programmes allowing the obtainment of double degrees.
Currently, the cooperation agreements include over 200 partners from almost 50 countries. Students and academics of Wrocław University of Science and Technology have the opportunity to learn and participate in joint projects, such as Erasmus+, Student Exchange Programme, Double Degree Master Programme T.I.M.E., Polish-American Fulbright Commission, and DAAD.
Wrocław University of Science and Technology departments and institutes are responsible for conducting research. The university currently has 80 of them (78 departments and two institutes). Our scientists carry out their research in fourteen disciplines within four fields:
- engineering and technology,
- strict and natural sciences,
- medical sciences,
- social sciences.
Each year, a number of our original technical solutions, patents, inventions, and technologies used in industry obtain patent protection. Over the past ten years alone, we have been granted 2 763 patents, in which respect we are among the national leaders. The university has 586 educational laboratories, 520 research laboratories, and 9 accredited laboratories
We are geared towards providing services to companies that seek innovative products and modern technologies or those in the market for a supplier of solutions entailing the design and implementation of systems for managing, controlling, and monitoring processes and technologies. WUST laboratories are authorised to calibrate instrumentation while offering tests and services consisting in assessing the conformity of products, systems, and installations with EU standards.
The world-class scientific research conducted by the university’s staff and the tertiary institution’s perfectly equipped laboratories are bearing fruit in the shape of cooperation with many domestic and foreign companies. The university’s students enjoy opportunities to take part in job placements, internships, or implement the practical parts of their thesis projects at branches of well-established companies worldwide, e.g. IBM, 3M, KGHM, LG, Volvo and Credit Suisse.